piosphere is an initiative promoted by the German-Spanish Chamber of Commerce (AHK) with the goal of fostering the German-Spanish startup ecosystem by connecting Spanish startups with German corporates and investors and providing help in accessing new markets and finding business opportunities
Due to great quality of the finalists the jury decided to granttwo first prizes to the following startups (ex aequo)
We also want to mention the startups that were finalists in the other category:
about piosphere | about the piosphere award | piosphere award calendar 2019 | past editions
piosphere is an initiative promoted by the German-Spanish Chamber of Commerce (AHK) with the goal of fostering the German-Spanish startup ecosystem by:
piosphere will celebrate its 4th piosphere award in 2019 selecting the most innovative startup in different categories sponsored and defined by corporate partners, such as:
Startups should have a deep technological background.
The finalist of each category will be selected by the corporate partner and get a real challenge to solve. The challenges will be defined by the respective corporate partner of the category.
The finalist of each category will pitch in a final competition for the piosphere award 2019.
The winner will get a prize of 3.000€ and will attend the RuhrSummit 2019 in autumn 2019 (incl. flights and accommodations for one person).
Desafío: start-ups que entren dentro del ámbito de inversión del fondo, especialmente sostenibilidad.
See full Pitch (spanish - Youtube)
BASF Challenge Presentation (*pdf)
Please submit entries vía email or weTransfer (see contact section below)
Desafío: Soluciones que permitan tomar decisiones de manera más inteligente, basadas en métricas. Soluciones que permitan entrar al detalle de los escandallos y optimizar stock y mermas. Las prioridades del hostelero son: Más facturación, reducir coste, disponer de más tiempo
Makro Challenge Presentation (*pdf)
Desafío: sistema que utilice la Inteligencia Artificial para facilitar el tratamiento diario de cantidades ingentes de datos
Rödl & Partner Challenge Presentation (*pdf)
Desafío: - Las máquinas y sistemas suministran millones de datos útiles. El reto es ser capaz de descifrarlos y ofrecer información valiosa para mejorar el rendimiento de un proceso industrial o de un proceso de negocio
Siemens Challenge One Pager (*pdf)
Siemens Challenge Presentation (*pdf)
Siemens Corporate Presentation (*pdf)
Desafío: soluciones para combinar canales de distribución tradicionales con nuevos canales digitales
Stihl Challenge Presentation (*pdf)
We kindly ask all startups to send their presentation by email (max. 10MB) or by weTransfer. Please befind below the contact details:
German-Spanish Chamber of Commerce
CookingData: https://www.cookingdata.es
Peter Gries (CEO Makro Spain), Javier González Pareja (CEO Robert Bosch Spain), Eva Rodríguez (CEO CookingData) and Walther von Plettenberg (CEO AHK Spain)
Syneidis: http://www.syneidis.com
Carsten Hoffmann (CEO Lufthansa Ibérica), Peter Tempel (German Ambassador in Spain), Frederic Thenault (CEO Syneidis) and Rosa García (CEO Siemens Spain)
Momit: https://www.momit.com
Miguel Sánchez (CEO Momit) and Peter Tempel (German Ambassador in Spain)
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